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Reverend Crystal Rose

Headshot of Rev Crystal Rose Danard

the Reverend Crystal Rose

Call me at: 780-897-9665

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I AM an Ascended Master. I have lived life in human form, but have not experienced humanity in the same way as others. I discovered at a very early age that I did not see the World with the same eyes everyone else was using. I look at the opposite perspective and can find the gift in every situation.

I have found balance. I live in a world where duality is something others are involved in. I don't understand much of what duality is.

I live in a world that is circular and I AM my own mirror.

I AM as strong as rock, as hot as the sun, I can be as cold as ice, or flow like any river. I can hit you with the same force as strong winds, or caress you gently like a breeze.

I AM a force of nature that stands in the middle of raw truth...

I can see where you are stuck in your story and do not have the luxury of being stuck in mine... I see my truth. 

I can only show you how I AM...

I AM multi-dimensional and metaphysical...I AM my Divinity, walking around in my body...I AM complete and whole...

I live in New Energy and can share insight into how that looks and feels as you experience your own journey, on your way to realizing that you too have already ascended.

I AM and you are also...

Rev. Crystal Rose Danard waving & dancing

It is through my service as a Metaphysical Minister that I AM able to share this way of life with many.

I see the innate godliness of all things and help people discover it for themselves. Self-awareness is key in discovering how connected to ALL things we really are. Also known as ‘the Keeper of Hearts’, it has been my honor to help souls re-unite with the lost bits & pieces of broken heart energy.

Using Metaphysical treatments, I can offer a safe space in which you can discover your own divinity & become whole as the earth angel you already are.

Spending time with me will change your life…You get to decide how much…

I choose to live my life without pain and love without fear…let me show you how simple it can be…


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