Canadian International
Fulfilling the highest expression of the Divine Presence within
Metaphysical Ministry
Rev. Carrie-Ann Provo
WhiteLight Metaphysical Centre
Rev. Carrie-Ann Provo, founder of WhiteLight Metaphysical Centre, believes living life with ease and happiness is not only possible, but is our natural flow state. She helps people achieve this by showing them how to connect with their higher selves, the spirit of others, the blessed earth, and the non-physical elements of this world.
So many things along our personal journeys can cause us to question everything: our truths, our fears—even our sanity. Rev. Carrie-Ann’s personal journey has given rise to a deep-rooted desire to find the truth within herself, and has led her to be a guiding light to those around her who also seek the ultimate truth within themselves.
You have the power within you to discover the possibilities, to dream big, and to live like you’ve imagined.
The Greatest Gift
Rev. Carrie-Ann’s professional development, athletic pursuits, and diverse work experience in the corporate world, have given her a broad insight, and she is grateful for what each experience has taught her. The greatest of all these is that there is nothing better in life than to be able to give back. Rev. Carrie-Ann’s passion is to help you discover and express your potential and lift your doubts from your mind. Her hope is that you will discover why your purpose is bigger than your objections, and help you see your path to success and happiness more clearly.
Spiritual Counselling: Rev. Carrie-Ann will work with you one-on-one to help you through your life challenges, understand your triggers, and overcome your pitfalls and blocks. Together, we will explore your options in life and figure out your next best steps, so you can clearly envision where you can go from here. You’ll learn how you can connect with your own gifts and greatness, while releasing the weight of the world off your shoulders.
IET® Angel Energy Therapy®: Also known as “Healing with the Energy of Angels,” IET®is a powerful energy therapy system that gets the “issues out of your tissues” for good!Angelic Integrated Energy Therapy IET® is a powerful energy used to safely and gently remove energetic blockages (resulting from this lifetime or another) and will infuse and integrate the energy of innocence, trust, freedom, love, and forgiveness.
Healing Circles: This practice provides a way for our collective energies to connect, so we can work together to empower ourselves, people worldwide, and the Earth herself. This beautiful, meditative experience is where we connect to ourselves, to each other, and to angelic energy, so we can energetically express our gratitude toward the Earth and those we are grateful for, who live upon it.
Angel Guide Sessions: Spiritual card readings that will help guide you on your path and support your spiritual journey. The messages that come up during these sessions offer deep wisdom to increase your spiritual connection or guide you on your next step of the journey. The messages may also have traits you can develop or share to support your journey. They will help you understand the challenges you are dealing with, as well as help you make the most of the opportunities that await.
Officiant Services: Your wedding ceremony is a rite of passage that symbolizes the beginning of your lives together, or the evolution of your relationship. Whether you are looking for vow renewal, modern, non-traditional, same sex, or otherwise, your ceremony will be personalized and customized to meet your spiritual expectations. Your Day, Your Way!